Update - A happy boy this week

George has been a happy boy this week. He's been happily playing (indoors and in the garden), resting well and just generally seems to be enjoying life...inside the house at least.

Dog on beach with sun shining

George seems to wake up confident and happy most mornings. As the day goes on, he becomes increasingly fearful and distrustful of the world. Until the evening when he mostly sleeps.


I tried to work out what was different this week which contributed to him seeming more happy, relaxed and calm.


We'd had a good day the day before. I was working from home and we'd had a successful lunchtime walk with no triggers.


Unusually, I had three days in a row working from home so he wasn't having the triggers of daycare drop-off/pick-up.


We had two rest days instead of one as George had encountered more triggers in the previous week. As we weren't going for walks on the rest days, George wasn't taking Trazodone.


This made me realise one of the differences. When George is taking Trazodone, he is often more restless and more jumpy in the house.


However, he reacts less on walks...he can tolerate triggers at a distance giving me time to intervene. So it feels like an important tool for walks although he is 'out of sorts' at home.


I am monitoring for the next week or two before talking to our VB for advice.


But I am so happy to see George being such a happy, relaxed boy!